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  • Writer's picturegeorgisway

Post workout treat

I always try to balance my lunch with my workout, today I went for 45 minutes of cardio boxing.

Before you chose what to eat when you take in consideration workouts, think about the type of activity you’ve chosen (endurance or strength)

During exercise, the muscles use up stored glucose, called glycogen, and levels become depleted.

Endurance sports, such as running, use up more glycogen than resistance activities, such as weightlifting.

Getting the right nutritional balance after exercise restores energy levels and reduces fatigue helping the body to repair muscles and build strength for future workouts.

Proteins, carbohydrates and healthful fats are all essential for the body's recovery.

Spinach loving egg is the recipe for today:

For one serving I used the following:

• 1 leek

• 2 cubes of frozen spinach

• 1 teaspoon turmeric

• 1 teaspoon ginger

• 3 teaspoon cooking cream

In a pan stir fried the veggies with a little oil and water for 10 minutes.

The composition went into a heat resistant bowl, received an egg, some salt and pepper and a little Roquefort cheese, my favorite. I Baked them for 10 minutes.

The delicious lunch received a water with lemon and ginger et voila.

What to eat after exercise and why

The following are examples of foods and compounds that help the body to absorb nutrients quickly and speed recovery.

Dairy protein

According to research published in 2017, as few as 9 grams of milk protein may be enough to stimulate protein synthesis in the muscles, aiding in recovery after exercise.

In 2007, some researchers found that milk-based proteins are more effective than soy-based proteins at promoting the growth of muscle proteins after resistance exercise.

The researchers concluded that while both milk and soy proteins help a person to maintain and build muscle mass, milk proteins were more effective at supporting the quick growth of lean muscle mass.


Results of a study from 2017 suggested that consuming whole eggs after resistance exercise resulted in more protein synthesis than consuming egg whites with the same protein content.

The researchers concluded that the nutrients in the yolk helped to stimulate the muscles more effectively.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Research from the Washington University School of Medicine suggests that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids helps to boost the synthesis of muscle proteins and increase the size of muscle cells in healthy young and middle-aged adults.

Fatty fish, including salmon, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna also contains high levels of the fatty acids, and about 6 ounces (oz) of tuna packed in water contains 41,6 g of protein and 5.4 g of fat.


Staying hydrated is essential when exercising.

Consuming carbohydrate-rich foods may be the best way to reduce the decreases in immunity that can occur after exercise.

Consuming carbohydrates as part of a post-workout snack also helps to promote glycogen storage.

Sweet potatoes, grains, and fruits can contain high levels of healthful carbohydrates, as can quinoa.

My source as inspiration, as always

Spread fairy dust not hate!

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